Sunday, September 11, 2011


This morning we took a quick 1 hour flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. I will now be in Bangkok for the remainder of my time in Thailand. The flight was really easy, we were up and down in no time. After we got back to the hotel and freshened up we headed out to see the Jim Thompson house museum. 
 Jim Thompson was an American who fell in love with Thailand and decided to live here permanently He loved silk and decided to recreate the industry in Thailand. He is world famous now for his silk and we got to visit the home that he used to live in. The house was gorgeous and full of Teak wood and other things you would see in a traditional Thai home. He disappeared one summer on vacation in Malaysia and no one has ever seen him since. They have a House Museum, Store, and Outlet in Bangkok of Jim Thompson's silks. 
Later this evening I headed to Lumphinee Boxing Stadium to watch a Muay Thai boxing match. My mom decided she didn't want to go and got a massage instead (I think they count is around 7...hahah love you Mom!) I got seats ring side with two other people who were in our tour group. There were 7 matches that had 5 rounds each. Before each match started the boxers had to pray and do a few chants with dancing which helped bring good luck to them during their match. These boxers fight people in the same weight class as them. I tried so hard to get pictures but they didn't turn out so well. 
The locals sit up in the "cheap seats" (aka where I would sit if I were at a Diamondbacks game or something) but I was warned to not sit up there. They are all standing up all the time and they are continually betting on who is going to win. At the end of every match I would guess who I thought was going to win and I was wrong 6 out of 7 times. One guy would look like they were dominating and then they other guy would win. So I stayed farrr away from the betting locals. I learned later that the points system they are scored on depends on how hard they kick, etc. I was also told before I went not to put my hands up and wave at all because this means you are trying to bet.
There was live music for the entire boxing match and it would speed up and slow down depending on the pace of the match. It was awesome to see a real Muay Thai boxing match in Thailand!

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